Friday, August 20, 2010

It's Real Life: Marriage Meme ... let's share!

It's Real Life: Marriage Meme ... let's share!

Marriage Meme

This is from Tricia Goyer an Author that I really enjoy.  If you want to join in and enter to win her books copy and past from her link below and answer the questions for yourself!!

Copy this meme and paste it into a post on your blog. (With your own answers!) Link back to this post, {} Then leave a comment here or use the Linky tool to link your blog to this post, so I know you're participating and I can pop over and read your meme. Don't forget to tag your friends with this also. And - if you're not a blogger, that's okay too - just answer the meme in the comment section and be sure to leave your email address.

On Thursday the 27th I'll choose 5 winners who will receive a copy of Generation NeXt Marriage and Generation NeXt Parenting.

•How did you meet your husband?  I met my husband online.  Twelve years ago I was on the computer and up popped this box on ICQ. This person named Odin was trying to chat with me.  I don't usually chat with people I don't know (now at least, but the Internet was so new that wow this was great!!).  We chatted back and forth, well if you could call that.  He was the hardest man to have a conversation with.  His answers were always yep, no, fine, good and anything else you can give a one word answer too.  I did most the talking.  He gave me really nothing to go on so one night I was aggravated with this and went invisible.  Each and every night this man was online only he couldn't see me. He was in Michigan and I was in Idaho at the time so two hour time difference was a lot especially when I was a waitress and worked until late sometimes. 

One night I was bored and figured he was the only one online so I'd send him a message.  (I had no idea that all this time he was there every night waiting for me to come online.) We chatted about normal everyday life.  That's what I liked most about our conversations.  We had talked about a month and he was getting ready to move away from his mom's house.  She had fully recovered from a brain aneurysm and he had been there taking care of her.  He said that he could go to Idaho or to Louisiana where his dad was.  I didn't hesitate and said come to Idaho.  Now mind you, I had no idea what this guy looked like.  He bought a train ticket and got on the train in Ann Arbor, MI and was taking the train to Salt Lake City, UT.  That was a three hour drive for me to pick him up.  He knew what I looked like but I didn't know what he looked like.  We had talked on the phone a lot and for many many hours at a time.  I don't know how many times we'd talk all night long and I'd get off the phone in enough time to shower and get ready for work and have to be there at 6:30am.  Awww, young love and being young enough to do that.  Now I'd be saying I need some serious beauty rest I've got to get some  Anyway, Wes (I new his name by the time he was getting on the train) got on the train and travelled the three days to idaho.  His train caught on fire twice and it hit a vehicle and so he was very much delayed.  His train was supposed to get into Salt Lake at midnight and when I got there the gentleman at the train station told me it would be 6:00-6:30am before the train would be in.  What do you do in a state you're not familiar with?  Well, I had brought my best friend, my dog and my boss's cellphone since everyone thought I was being reckless but I didn't think anything of this.  We found a Denny's and sat and talked and I paced and the closer it came time to pick him up the more sick to my stomach.  Long story short, he made it in.  I was looking for a guy with Taz on his shirt and Stren written on his baseball cap.  The last guy that I had seen get off the train looked like Billy Idol and was so messed up on who knows what....I thought that was it and I was thinking oh's time for me to just go home!  Then this guy slowly came strolling up from the back of the train with his luggage and as he got closer (he knew what I looked like remember) he looked at me and said "hey".  Ok, I was excited....this man was not ugly and wasn't missing (he told me he's from Louisiana and I was thinking of some redneck guy with missing  Well, that was twelve years ago and we're going strong today!!

•What did you first notice about him? His eyes...he has very kind eyes. 

•How long have you been married? We will celebrate 9 years married November 27

•Share something you discovered about him after you were married that surprised you? I knew that he didn't have the greatest childhood but it wasn't until after we were married that he actually started to go into detail about that.  Some of the stories that he's told me about stepmoms has shown me why he was so good with my sons.  He knew how mean people could be.

•What do you argue about the most? families believe it or not. Sometimes money when it's really tight but usually it's each others families. I have since moved to Louisiana and all of my family are in Idaho and when I go back home he's never gone with me and when his family is being demanding we argue about it and how unfair things are. Usually very petty stuff.

•What quality in him do you admire most? His values.  Wes is my 3rd marriage and I am his first.  He was 30 when we got married.  His grandmother instilled in him that you only marry once and when you get married it's 'til death do us part.  He tells me all the time that his grandmother told him that once you get married there's nothing that can't be worked through. When my son was thinking on asking his girlfriend to marry him, he went to my husband for advice.  That to me shows the respect that he's gained from his values.

•What is the hardest part about being married? Wow, the hardest part....this marriage has been my easiest marriage and doesn't seem as long as it has.  In fact, we're so good together that when asking if he remembers when....he tells me wrong  But I would have to say the hardest part is taking the baggage that we've had through our past relationships and knowing where to set them so that we don't trip over them.  Does that make sense?  My first marriage was very mentally abusive and also the father to my sons.  I still have issues with self-esteem and the ability to accept compliments without rolling my eyes because of damage caused in that relationship.  We work real hard at not letting that stuff get in the way but it does from time to time. Creates insecurities.

•What’s the best part about being married? The best part of being married is this time around I have married my very best friend.  I don't have not one skeleton in the closet that could ever come up in my life and he'd be shocked.  Every single thing that would come up later that might make a relationship falter, I have already told.  I remember when we'd been together for about 3 months (after he'd come on the train) he asked me "So, when do all your bad qualities start to come out?"  I had to laugh because I was being me, not someone I was pretending to be.  He told me if this is the worst we've got it made. We rarely turn the radio on in the car.  We talk, we hold hands while in the car, while watching tv together, if we're walking into a store we truly enjoy each other.

•What has changed the most about you since you've been married? We're more responsible.  My husband was raised separate from his sister and his grandparents spoiled him rotten!!  When we got together he would pout and throw a fit if he didn't get the things that he wanted.  Today, that money is usually still in his wallet and he's making sure my daughter and I have the things we need and he puts himself last.  He's learned to not make it all about him and I've had to learn to put myself as a priority.  I didn't do that before, I was single for a long time and so it was all about my boys.  We were window shopping one time and my husband is very good at remembering if I say something that I want.  He noticed that I never said it.  I told him I don't want for myself because I've always had two boys who have wants/needs that come before me.  That has been very hard to change.  To accept and realize that I do have wants and needs and he's  wanting to meet them for me.

•What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to other wives about creating a happy marriage? My piece of advice would be..this is a lifelong partnership. Your husband should know all of your hopes, desires, secrets and just everything, not your girlfriends.  I am not saying stop having friends but your closest and best friend should be your husband.  Treat him as you want to be treated.

•What's the one piece of advice you'd give to your children about creating a happy marriage? Choose the person who you can talk to.  Really talk to....communication is the key to a happy and long marriage.  I moved away when my sons were about 12 & 13.  I missed out on all of the high school years and dating.  My youngest son moved here in Louisiana after graduation.  He had forgotten how Wes and I were with each other.  He only knew how to care like his dad (not very well) and he seen how close my husband and I are.  My son said that when he gets married he wants a marriage like mine. My ex-husband makes way more money than we do.  He's a materialistic person and bases life that way.  My son for the time that he was here got to see that money and posssessions can't buy happiness.  On one of our talks we had, I told him...your dad has a lot more than us (and he talks down about us) and that's fine.  I told my son I have way more riches than their dad does because I am happy every single day.  Even when life is throwing everything at us and we think we can't take anymore...we're happy because we're together.  My ex-husband just went through is 3rd divorce.  I tell my sons that I am sorry.  I had hoped that their dad had found the one to make them happy.  For now, we'll pray that God changes the things that need to be changed for that to happen and the right woman to come along that can handle him.  As for me, I have my best friend and the person that I don't want to spend not one day without in my life.

Have fun!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Here are a few more pages that I have done.  I want to thank a high school friend Jim, for allowing me to use his photo that he took of the waterfall.  I don't have as pretty of scenery here so he's allowing me to use some of his great photos.  My other picture is my neighbor and I with our Bibles and the book we're studying.  We've almost completed the study and it's been wonderful!!

Dabbling in Journaling....

I think that I am at a crossroads in life.  Not knowing what I want and trying to figure out just the person I am.  I guess with turning 40 this year I am trying to figure out my meaning in life.  Have I accomplished as a mom what I wanted to accomplish (with my older sons) and what do I still have yet to do with my daughter who's still at home.  I guess too, I am reflecting on what memories and things about me and my life do I have to leave behind for my children to know the real me?  I say the real me because my sons were raised mostly in their dad's home and visited me.  I had always hoped when they became adults that living closer to mom and getting to know mom better would be something that they'd choose to do.  Not so, they are still where they feel at home which is closer to dad.  I've done a lot of reflecting to see if they really know the person who gave them life?  My youngest son did come and spend not quite a year with us and he seen a different side to me than he knew.  He also had all these ideas of his mom in his head that I guess aren't altogether bad...but not totally me either.  I think he sees me as the June Cleaver mom.  Always so pleasant, cooking or baking and going to church and just your overall good person. 

My sons haven't gotten to see me in a loving and healthy marriage.  They only remember with their dad.  My marriage now is wonderful and very strong.  I have a great man to share my life with.  We moved away from my sons going on eight years ago.  My husband and I have been together twelve years.  My son while he was here could see the playful side of mom, the healthy loving side of mom and just how a happy marriage looks like.  He also got to experience mom very happy in life.  I may not have a lot but I have more happiness through love.  My family is close and we connect all throughout the day.  Numerous times he would say "Mom! gosh Mama before she was mama!!" and laugh.  Usually when I was joking and picking with my husband.  The first time he said that made me stop and really think am I so different?  No, I'm not...they just never got to experience for very long periods of time me in a happy relationship and I was single for a very long time. 

So, my journals that I will be doing are for my kids.  For them to get to know the personal side of mom.  They already know the other sides of mom but with my sons about 3000 miles away, this is what they miss out on.  My daughter, she has the advantage, but I hope will treasure the journals I do as memories she has of me. I love my family more than anything and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I have come across Faithbooking.  I have a few pages made.  I am really enjoying being able to scrapbook and add scriptures to my pages.  Never had I thought about doing that before.  I am looking at my Bible and the verses in a different light.  As I read them now I am thinking on what I can do with that verse.  Here are a few of my pages that I've done.

This is a brief overview of how my husband and I met.  We've had a wonderful marriage and relationship.  We are definately some of the lucky ones that have met online. 

This one was done to show the many houses that have built me as a person.  I love the song by Miranda Lambert called The House That Built Me.  That's what's on the right side of the page is the words to that song. 

I am going to try and journal/blog more.  I haven't been very good at it but I am learning more on journaling and trying to decide what I want to write about.  I am not sure where this all will take me but looking forward to the journey that will take me on.  Have a blessed day!