Saturday, January 9, 2010

Thankful #7

Thankful #7:

I had two today because I missed yesterday.

I am so thankful this morning of quiet time. It was so nice this morning to take my time waking up and justing getting up on my own. I am able to just take time for me.

I am thankful for books. I so love to read books and take something from them. Especially now that I have found Christian novels. They always give you some nugget that sticks in your mind that you can take with you. I won a book just the other day about forgiveness. It happened on a day that I was also told from my son that he's moving back to Idaho to be near his dad. This devastated me. But, as I've had a few days to process this and attempting not to take this as a personal attack I am excited to get this book in the mail. I am excited to go down a road that I've been before and address it once again. I had a nasty divorce with my sons dad. I happened to pick up the book The Forgiving Hour by Robin Lee Hatcher that changed my life. It made me stop thinking of only myself, stop trying to be a martyr and to realize it takes two and get over it. I went to God in prayer, sobbing and released more pent up emotions that really needed done. That was starting to rear it's ugly head again. I won a book on forgiveness and I take this as God letting me know that this could once again harbor ill feelings that need to be dealt with now. Before my son moves away from me so that it's not awful between us.

I am also thankful for heat. This morning as we get up here in Louisiana it was much colder than usual. It's almost 11am and it's 29 degrees. When we got home last night (not late mind you) it was 20 degrees and falling. We purchased a few space heaters to put in the house and I am so thankful that those cut the chill in my little house. There is no insulation in my home as it's an older home and built in the 50's. These

Thankful #6

Giving thanks #6:

Today I am thankful for busyness. Not sure if that's spelled right but I love busy days at work. I enjoy that it makes my day go quicker and that it you feel like you've accomplished something that day.

I am thankful for my husband. He's so good to me and deals with whatever is thrown my way. He supports decisions I make with my children and when I get hurt by my kids....he's standing there with his arms open to give me a hug, pick up the pieces and be there for support with an "I'm sorry" behind that.

I am thankful for lifes lessons. God never gives us more than what we can handle. I am thankful that God knows how much I can handle even when I think I can handle no more, I am given something else to handle.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thankful #5

Thankful #5

I am thankful today for excitement! I love to watch a small child get excited when they see a grandpa or grandma. The innocence with that is so sweet to watch.

I am also thankful for medicines. I have been fighting trying not to get a sinus infection. Not sure yet if I am winning or losing as we're not budging one way or another yet. But the relief that a sinus pill will give when you're so stopped and miserable is great.

I am thankful for water. Not just any water but good, clean drinking water. Been trying to get more water intake into my system and so thankful that I have good water to drink to make it much nicer to manage this task.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thankful #4

Thankful #4

Today I am thankful for coffee. This morning I needed a pick me up and a warm up from these brisk southern mornings. Looks like schools could be cancelled tomorrow and friday depending on what the temperatures will be.

I am thankful for space heaters. I bought two the other night and had both in my living room last night and one in my bedroom and this morning didn't feel as if I was going to freeze to the floor. I have no insulation in my old home. Not to mention that my little house is up off the ground (as most are in the south). Yay for us this morning that we did not have frozen pipes. We did yesterday morning but happen to get up in enough time to catch them before they were frozen solid.

My third and final thing that I am thankful for this morning is for music. I love to listen to all different types depending on my mood. I enjoy all the different genres out there. On my blogger page I have it set up to play music. I love the song I can only imagine by Mercy Me and also How to Live by Point of Grace. Really like Bebo Normans I'm Alright also. That has such a catchy little beat to it that just puts you in a good mood.

Have a blessed day! I am trying to not only be thankful for 3 things every day for a year but eventually I am going to try to work in studying my bible and maybe add a scripture that touches me as I read.

Thankful #3

Thankful #3

I am a little slow as I was very busy yesterday so I reflect back and I am very thankful that I was busy. That means I was being productive. I am also thankful for school. My daughter was so excited to be back in school to see her friends and she said it was nice to make her mind think again. I am also thankful for transportation. I have quite a drive each day and I am very thankful during these cold days that I have a good running vehicle with heat.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Playlist Playlist by wesnshan on MySpace Music - Play Playlist Songs & Download Tracks

My Playlist Playlist by wesnshan on MySpace Music - Play Playlist Songs & Download Tracks

Happy New Year!!

Wow, has been since September that I have written.  I did see a post on facebook from one of my favorite authors, Robin Lee Hatcher.  She's doing an Intentional Thanksgiving in 2010.  She going to write 3 things she's thankful for each day in 2010.  I am going to attempt to get this done also.  I am usually the first to think of all the worst case senarios when something happens.  I am going to focus this year on a brighter outlook.  My family deserves it and I deserve it also. 

1. I am thankful for my family.  My wonderful husband who makes life much more enjoyable to get through and my wonderful 3 kids. Each with their own set of goals and set backs. I love all of them unconditionally. I am thankful for my husbands two sons, even though I've never met them. I look forward to the day that they may show up on our doorstep. Thankful for my daughter-in-law. God has blessed our family this year and I hope that He keeps His hands on all of us and directs us where He wants us to go in 2010.

2. I am thankful for my health. Last year I had a lot going on with my health and all the rain that we were getting. I ended up with Black mold in my body and finally found a dr who helped me. I was also facing a hysterectomy that I did not end up having that I feel very blessed for now.

3. I am also thankful for my God. I know this should have been first but I have not put God first this past year and I hope to get to a place in my life where God is the most important. I would like to spend more time in the Lord learning His word and what He has in store for me.